Do you have an innovative approach to installing monitors in a network that cause little disruption to customers or road users?
Reason for this opportunity?
Anglian Water strive to provide outstanding customer service and are investing in understanding the network by increasing the monitoring capabilities through a variety of sensor technologies, this will allow us to identify risks before they cause events.
Through increasing the number of monitors installed, there can be an increase of disruptions to both customers and motorists. We are looking for innovative construction solutions to reduce this disruption during installation in a variety of circumstances.
What is the current solution?
Current methods include the use of coring and vacuum excavation as well as more traditional methods such as hand digging.
What would we love to see?
The ideal solution would have a small footprint, low carbon, complete solution capable of not only core and vacuum excavation, but also connecting the monitor to the water main in the same operation.
If you have any questions or a solution, we would love to hear from you. Please join the discussion.