Looking for alternative solutions when dewatering excavations
Reason for this opportunity?
Currently Anglian Water dig tens of thousands of excavations every year and a significant number of these require dewatering into the environment. We are looking for ways to stop dewatering into the environment to prevent sediment and chlorinated water being discharged.
What is the current solution?
Our current solutions are a combination of filter bags, straw bails, temporary filter tanks etc., but these are not agile, particularly low cost or at times overly effective. We also need to make sure that whatever we use isn’t pressurised.
What would we love to see?
We’re looking for novel ideas, including the removal of solids and dechlorination. Looking cross sector into the gold mining industry, they use sluice boxes as part of an overall set up to separate material from water. Can we use similar technology to develop filter beds or sluice boxes, that pump out/over, are portable, low cost/disposable and an effective method of allowing cleaner water to discharge into the environment?