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Zebra Mussels

Zebra Mussels are an invasive small freshwater mussel in the UK that rapidly reproduce and populate areas of the water treatment process, we are looking for a solutions to stop this from occurring.

Reason for this opportunity?

This colonisation can lead to ,reduces flow in our pipes that can increase energy consumption and prevent critical assets from working effectively such as valves and monitors.

What is the current solution?

The current methods used to try and reduce this invasive species from colonising in the treatment works are:

  • Zebra Mussel traps, this is a down stream solutions and is used within the works. This solution also relies on the mussels sinking in the trap but this does not always occur.
  • Manual Cleaning, occurs upstream in the reservoir and inlet pipes as well as the works, but is limited to short lengths of pipework and easily accessed areas.
  • Bio Bullets, biological treatment that kills the invasive mussels. Limited control on how many are killed and delivery of the product to the effected area can be very challenging.

What would we love to see?

We are looking for a solutions that will reduce colonisations  such as a new surface to stop the mussels from attaching to these areas. Or a solution that will stop Zebra Mussels from entering the treatment process completely.

The two main challenges for any solution are the application in 10+meters of water and in difficult to access areas.